back and SI joint pain treatment in new york using non invasive methods

The Cause of Back Pain that Many Surgeons Overlook

si joint pain and back pain from sacroiliac joint injury treat naturally


Active release technique relieves pain by using manually applied pressure to facilitate the break up of scar tissue. ART is a process that gives muscles therapeutic attention to loosen and break up scar tissue. 

Sacroiliac joint pain NYC. The sacroiliac joint is often the cause of most back pain. Chiropractors focus more attention on the role that the sacroiliac joint plays in relation to the spine, versus medical doctors who tend to overlook it as a cause of back pain. When treating back pain with surgical methods, most surgeons focus only on the spine.

According to a recent CNN article about sacroiliac joint dysfunction: "Studies have found that 20 to 25% of all chronic lower back pain comes not from the spine but from the sacroiliac, or SI, joint, which bears and transfers weight and movement from your upper body to your legs."

The sacroiliac joints are located at the hip area at either side of the spine, which connect the lower spine to the pelvis and provide shock absorption to prevent spinal injury by taking in and evenly distributing the impact forces of lower body motion and upper body weight. Healthy sacroiliac joints allow for a small amount of movement at the joint. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction originates when normal function is disrupted, causing the joint to either become hypermobile or experience restricted mobility. When this happens, nerves can become entrapped in the sacroiliac joint and cause lower back pain as well as sciatica.

Sharp lower back pain can also occur because of degeneration of the sacroiliac joint ligaments, which causes abnormal friction and progressive tissue damage. This condition is oftentimes mistakenly diagnosed as degenerative disc disease because the symptoms are similar – shooting pains that can travel from the lower back down the buttock and leg.

Dr Shoshany performing a chiropractic adjustment on a patient's spine. Adjusting the sacroiliac joint can often relive back and spinal pain and discomfort. Greenwich village chiropractor NYC Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be treated through the same methods used to treat spinal disorders, but they must be directed at the sacroiliac joint and not the spine.

Non-surgical methods are highly effective in the early, intermediate, and in some cases, advanced stages of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Dr. Steven Shoshany, a top NYC chiropractor, specializes in non-surgical treatment of sacroiliac joint dysfunction by providing a personalized combination of his available treatments.

While some patients may experience total relief from chiropractic adjustments alone, others may require additional therapies.

Dr. Shoshany has obtained remarkable results for his patients by combining chiropractic care with physical therapy, pain management and reduction injections, cold laser therapy, medical massage therapy, soft tissue mobilization, and acupuncture, which are all available at his physical rehabilitation facility in downtown Manhattan and provided by his certified staff members. Dr. Shoshany recommends non-surgical therapies because of their effectiveness in most cases of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Surgical methods are best reserved for extremely advanced cases in which the joint is damaged beyond the point where it would respond to non-invasive therapies, and should be a last resort when considering treatment options because they carry additional risks and side effects in addition to requiring downtime for proper recovery.

an NYC chiropractic adjustment by our Chiropractors in New York can help with sacroiliac joint pain NYC Dr. Shoshany offers in-house radiology and ultrasound services to assist in identifying the presence of sacroiliac joint dysfunction in patients who experience lower back pain.

Once a diagnosis is made, Dr. Shoshany and his staff will prepare a personalized care plan to eliminate pain at the source, providing long-term relief so that patients can enjoy a better quality of life.

For more information on Dr. Shoshany’s non-surgical treatment options for sacroiliac joint pain NYC and back pain caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction, as well as the full range of available physical rehabilitation services available in Manhattan's West Village at the NYC Chiropractic Center for Spinal Decompression, please contact or call us at 212 645 8151.

New York State law requires that all insurance carriers pay for Chiropractic care. Most insurance plans are accepted without an outside referral by your doctor or insurance carrier.

We accept Aetna Healthcare We accept blue cross blue shield healthcare insurance We accept Cigna Health Insurance We accept Performax health care We accept Guardian Healthcare plans

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