carpal tunnel syndrome therapy combining chiropractic and physical therapy in nolita nyc

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

carpal tunnel syndrome treatment using non surgical methods and laser therapy


Graston Technique is an instrument-assisted therapy for soft tissue mobilization that is highly effective in removing restrictive scar tissue and adhesions from the muscles, tendons and ligaments anywhere on the body.  Particularly effective for sports injuries, Graston Technique® provides optimum results when used as part of a physical rehabilitation regime.  When soft tissue restrictions are removed, healing is improved and normal function is restored.

NYC chiropractor Dr. Steven Shoshany and his team of specialists treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in New York City using an array of techniques.

The specific technique, or course of treatment that is right for your Carpal Tunnel symptoms is determined by a number of factors. After taking a detailed history of the patient, and their injury, an individualized program is created by our team which is focused on providing long term Carpal Tunnel relief using proven solutions and protocols. The exact tools and procedures used are determined by the patient's age, activity level, goals, lifestyle, and the cause of their pain.

treating carpal tunnel syndrome with a class 4 hot laser device

Chiropractor NYC Dr. Steven Shoshany treats Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with a Deep Laser Class 4 Laser treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome in Greenwich Village Manhattan 10012
The end goal is to get the patient out of pain quickly using various methods to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome like:

Cold Laser Therapy

Class 4 Deep Laser Therapy

Graston Technique

Kinesio Taping

Massage Therapy

Active Release Technique (ART)

Physical Therapy and Corrective Exercise


Depending on how quickly the injury responds to treatment, the patient is then ready to start physical therapy. Our in-house physical therapy department in NYC works with our chiropractors to ensure that the underlying skeletal tissue and musculature are as strong and flexible as possible, so the likelihood of the recurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome can be avoided as much as possible.

The Physiology of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The median nerve runs into the hand to supply sensation to the thumb, index finger, long finger, and half of the ring finger. The nerve also supplies a branch to the muscles of the thumb, the thinner muscles. These muscles help move the thumb and are very important in moving the thumb so that you can touch each of the other fingers. This motion is called op-position.

The carpal tunnel is an opening into the hand that is made up of the bones of the wrist on the bottom and the transverse carpal ligament on the top. Looking at a cross section of the wrist allows one to visualize the anatomy of the carpal tunnel. Through this opening called the carpal tunnel, the median nerve and the flexor tendons run into the hand. Looking a little closer, we see that the median nerve lies just under the transverse carpal ligament.

The flexor tendons are important because they allow us to move the fingers and the hand, such as when we grasp objects. The tendons are covered by a material called tenosynovium. The tenosynovium is very slippery, and allows the tendons to glide against each other as the hand is used to grasp objects. Any condition which causes irritation or inflammation of the tendons can result in swelling and thickening of the tenosynovium. As the tenosynovium covering all of the tendons begin to swell and thicken, the pressure begins to increase in the carpal tunnel because the bones and ligaments that make up the tunnel are not able to stretch in response to the swelling. Increased pressure in the carpal tunnel begins to squeeze the median nerve against the transverse carpal ligament - because the nerve is the softest structure in the carpal tunnel. Eventually, the pressure reaches a point when the nerve can no longer function normally. Pain and numbness in the hand begins.

One of the first symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is numbness in the distribution of the median nerve. This is quickly followed by pain in the same distribution. The pain may also radiate up the arm to the shoulder, and, some-times the neck. If the condition is allowed to progress, weakness of the thenar muscles can occur. This results in an inability to bring the thumb into opposition with the other fingers and hinders one's grasp.

There are many painful conditions, which can result in irritation and inflammation of the tenosynovium, and eventually cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Different types of arthritis can cause inflammation of the tenosynovium directly. A fracture of the wrist bones may later cause carpal tunnel syndrome if the healed fragments result in abnormal irritation on the flexor tendons.

The Key Concept to remember is that anything, which causes abnormal pressure on the median nerve will result in the symptoms of pain, numbness and weakness of carpal tunnel syndrome. Recently, physicians have begun to recognize that activities that involve highly repetitive use of the hands can result in carpal tunnel syndrome. This is thought to be caused by inflammation and swelling of the tenosynovium due to overuse.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment NYC using cold laser therapy class 4 hot laser, graston technique, Active Release Technique and Medical Massage by chiropractors in NYC at Dr. Steven Shoshany's NYC Chiropractic Center for Spinal Decompression

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chiropractor NYC uses Cold Laser Therapy to treat pain, numbness and loss of strength in the wrist Laser Therapy in Manhattan NY for wrist pain and carpal tunnel syndrome Evaluation of Carpal Tunnel in our NYC Chiropractic office begins with your doctor obtaining a history of the problem, followed by a thorough physical examination. Your description of the symptoms and the physical examination are the most important parts in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Commonly, patients will complain first of waking in the middle of the night with pain and a feeling that the whole hand is asleep. Careful investigation usually shows that the little finger is unaffected. This can be a key piece of information to make the diagnosis. If you awaken with your hand asleep, pinch your little finger to see if it is numb also, and be sure to tell your doctor if it is or is not. Other complaints include numbness while using the hand for gripping activities, such as sweeping, hammering, or driving. The major physical findings reflect that pressure is increased in the carpal tunnel. If more information is needed to make the diagnosis, electrical studies of the nerves in the wrist may be requested by your doctor. Several tests are available to see how well the median nerve is functioning, including the nerve conduction velocity (NCV). This test measures how fast nerve impulses are conducted through the nerve. This test is available in our NYC medical and Chiropractic practice and is covered by most medical carriers.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that occurs as a result of an impinged nerve in the wrist area.  The carpal tunnel is a narrow cavity in the wrist, which is meant to safeguard the median nerve, the main nerve that regulates hand function as well as the tendons that control hand and finger movement. 

When the carpal tunnel is compressed or swollen, it will place extra pressure on the nerve, resulting in hand numbness, tingling, weakness, loss of hand coordination, and pain that can extend along the arm – symptoms known as carpal tunnel syndrome.  Advanced cases of carpal tunnel syndrome may present permanent tissue deterioration of the affected muscles and tendons.

Common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include extended computer use, driving, manual labor, as well as unnatural patterns of hand use that may cause injury, such as improper heavy lifting and/or exercising.  Patients of all age groups are susceptible to developing conditions that could result in entrapment of the median nerve, causing carpal tunnel syndrome, but the rate of incidence is higher in patients between 30 and 60 years of age

Carpal Tunnel Treatment NYC

Carpal Tunnel Treatment NYC. Chiropractor in NYC uses the Graston Technique to treat pain and loss of motor function from carpal tunnel syndrome at Dr. Shoshany's NYC Chiropractor clinic in Greenwich VIllage, Soho Manhattan, New York, NY Fortunately, the damage caused by carpal tunnel syndrome is treatable and in most cases reversible.

NYC chiropractor, Dr. Steven Shoshany utilizes the latest technology and a holistic non-surgical approach to effectively and painlessly treat patients in NYC who present signs of carpal tunnel syndrome.  With some of the best diagnostic tools at his disposal, including the Sonosite M-Turbo musculoskeletal ultrasound device, Dr. Shoshany is able to accurately diagnose and design a customized treatment protocol for each patient by first analyzing the cause and extent of damage.

Through a personalized combination of specialized treatments, Dr. Steven Shoshany has helped hundreds of New Yorkers' find permanent pain relief by reversing the damage caused by carpal tunnel syndrome and addressing its root cause.  Treatments made available by Dr. Shoshany and his team to patients in NYC who experience carpal tunnel syndrome include manual decompression, Active Release Technique® (ART), Graston Technique®, physical therapy, cold laser therapy, kinesio taping, acupuncture, pain management, and more.  All Carpal Tunnel treatment NYC options that are offered at Dr. Shoshany’s state-of-the-art rehabilitation center in NYC are non-surgical and offer prompt results and long-term improvement. Contact us today for an appointment.

New York State law requires that all insurance carriers pay for Chiropractic care. Most insurance plans are accepted without an outside referral by your doctor or insurance carrier.

We accept Aetna Healthcare We accept blue cross blue shield healthcare insurance We accept Cigna Health Insurance We accept Performax health care We accept Guardian Healthcare plans

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